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Prepper Radio

The Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net

Live nets are every Wednesday starting at 2000 hours (8 PM) PST. This is also the live feed from the SNARS Mt. Rose Linked Repeater system. Thank you for listening.

The NNPG is a family based group supporting a self-reliant life style and we come together in the spirit of cooperation to assist others in being prepared for natural or manmade disasters. We welcome families and individuals who want to learn the skills necessary to prepare for and care for themselves and their families in the event of a disaster or something as simple as a minor issue.

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More information

The Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net

This is a family based group supporting a self-reliant life style and we come together in the spirit of cooperation to assist others in being prepared for natural or manmade disasters. We welcome families and individuals who want to learn the skills necessary to prepare for and care for themselves and their families in the event of a disaster or something as simple as a minor issue. We are not a militia. We do not promote anti-government behavior or rhetoric. We do not condone hate groups, taking up arms against American citizens or violating the law. We do not hope for or promote anarchy or the end of the world and apocalyptic events. We welcome families who want to learn to be prepared. We have no other agenda.

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